Tag Archives: menu

The Chinese French Fry Theory

26 Aug

August 26, 2017

This theory, like many others, began with my Dad but it was quickly adopted by me and for years I lived by its simple precept: 

Never buy food from a Chinese restaurant that serves French fries

It makes sense. It really does. 

  • If someone goes to a Chinese restaurant and orders French fries, it stands to reason that they are not big fans of Chinese food.
  • If enough people go to a Chinese restaurant and order French fries that the restaurant puts it on the menu, it stands to reason that most of their customers do not know much about Chinese food.
  • If most of a Chinese restaurant’s customers would rather order French fries than fried rice, it stands to reason that the restaurant has no incentive to cook really good Chinese food.

So in other words, French fries on a Chinese menu are an indication that the Chinese food isn’t too good. 

Ditto with chicken wings. 

Chicken wings with French fries is NOT a Chinese dish!





Hello Happy To Read Consumer! Freshly Written Part Second!

26 Jun

June 26, 2013

This blog is for Mac, who sent in the first two pictures. He is a huge fan of bad translations, as am I. Check out my first bad translation blog here. You should also check out Mac, an awesome musician, great photographer, and all-around terrific guy right here at his Facebook page.

Here’s his first picture, from a package of food I urge you not to eat:


I love the fact that they are so upfront about the spit. I am sure that a great many people base their dining options on the spit count.

Up next, Mac has sent in a travel advisory.


I don’t know what that is but it looks like a train station to me. Of course, for all I know that could be a sushi bar or an anime factory. Either way, I am glad that the sign was there to clear things up.

This next sign comes to us from this very blog! (Yes! Someone reads this!)

inconvenient tanks

They know something that I don’t. “Important reason?” “Tanks”? Something bad is brewing, but it is a comfort to know that the owners will be close in case we need them.

And is there anything more inconvenient than a tank?

And lastly, one more that I took myself but, unlike the one above, it has never been published here before. Behold! The debut of the Chinese menu fail!


That just sounds wrong. So very, very wrong.