The Saturday Comics: The Spanish Spider-Man

2 Feb

February 2, 2013


The Spanish Spider-Man is not a new title, nor is it a new character.

Marvel is pretty transparent when it comes to political correctness. Aside from the white male Peter Parker, they’ve tried to make multi-cultural versions of Spidey for “wider markets.”

After Peter Parker’s death in Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #160 a new character by the name of Miles Morales takes up the mantle of Spider-Man as a black thirteen-year-old superhero.

Spider-Man 2099: A geneticist named Miguel O’Hara gained his spider-like powers from a gene-splicing incident.

Spider-Man: India is a comic book originally published in India by Gotham Entertainment Group in 2004, retelling the story of Marvel Comics’ Spider-Man in an Indian setting.

The Spider-Girl comic book series, originally published under the MC2 imprint, features May “Mayday” Parker, Peter’s daughter in an alternate continuity.

However, this Spanish Spider-Man is nothing like that. These are reprints of the Amazing Spider-Man comic translated into Spanish and branded as El Asombroso Hombre-Arana. I don’t know when these first began to appear, but they started at number one and continued well into the modern era. The title may still be published, though I can’t verify that. So check out the gallery below of El Asombroso Hombre-Arana and enjoy.

Click on the thumbnails for full-size images.

6 Responses to “The Saturday Comics: The Spanish Spider-Man”

  1. zathra February 2, 2013 at 12:24 am #

    Chalk it up to the influence of American pop – culture. You know that Batman also had multi cultural international versions, even back before political correctness was a big ticket thing.


    • bmj2k February 2, 2013 at 12:44 am #

      Oh yeah, which is ironic since Zorro was such a big influence on Batman, but I’ve read lately how early Batman stories were simply swiped from the pulps, most commonly The Shadow.


      • zathra February 2, 2013 at 1:07 am #

        & early Batman was supposedly influenced by the designs of Da Vinci, & look up ” Spring Heel Jack ” an urban legend of sorts in Britain ( I forget the time period ). He resembles Batman a lot.


  2. Mac of BIOnighT February 2, 2013 at 12:30 am #

    For those of you who may not know (mr Blog certainly does), there have also been two versions of Spiderman in Japan.
    One is a live action series in which Spiderman even has a giant robot called Leopardon and a costume that is identical to the one used in the American TV movies of the 70’s

    The other version is a comic book (partially published in the US, but in a censored edition)

    Spiderman was called “L’uomo Ragno” when it was published here in Italy in the 70’s, then – sometime during the late 90’s, I believe – they started calling him Spiderman, much to the older fans’ outrage…


    • bmj2k February 2, 2013 at 12:46 am #

      Great add Mac. I love that robot!


  3. Arthur K October 29, 2022 at 2:56 am #

    Thanks for writingg this


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