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Imponderable #44: Bakersfield California

27 Apr

April 27, 2012

I’d like to say I had more information for you. I’d like to say that the airplane will be turned into, I don’t know, anything but an airplane, but I can’t. From other sources online, it is what it appears to be: the guy will bury an airplane and let you use the toilet. Ten out of ten for convenience, I guess. When you got to go you got to go.

So as I often ask in this arena, is this art? What is he trying to say? I don’t know and I found no clue online. But what could he be saying? I’m stumped.

From The Washington Post: Buchel creates fictitious environmental installations that comment on social and political forces. Some of his previous work has included setting up a community center for low-income London residents inside a blue-chip gallery, and creating a maze within a garbage dump in Paris’s famed Palais de Tokyo. Bucher was also involved in a legal dispute with MASS MOCA after the museum attempted to complete and exhibit his installation called “Training Ground for Democracy,” without his cooperation. Courts initially ruled in favor of MOCA, but Bucher won on appeal.

He set up a maze in a garbage dump. Yeah, because when you find yourself in a garbage dump the one thing you want is to spend more time there.

Would you travel into the desert in order to climb down a tunnel and look at an airplane? The question is Imponderable.