“That’s not an ad, that’s a secret origin!”

5 Feb

February 5, 2014

The name’s Casino. Jamie Casino. I’m a lawyer.”

This may be the best lawyer ad ever. Period.



Move over Avengers, you’ve got competition. Marvel comics needs to be kicking themselves for not creating a character like this. Sure, Daredevil is really a lawyer named Matt Murdoch, but he’s a wuss compared to Jamie Casino. If Marvel’s Ghost Rider movie was half as good as this ad, Nic Cage would have had a hit on his hands instead of, well, another Nic Cage movie.


BTW, who am I quoting in the title? Me, of course.





2 Responses to ““That’s not an ad, that’s a secret origin!””

  1. T E Stazyk February 6, 2014 at 4:18 pm #

    Is this for real?


    • bmj2k February 6, 2014 at 11:46 pm #

      Totally for real. And the best part, this is a local ad, not even national.


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