American Chopper: Odie and the Ugly ATV

15 Dec

December 15, 2010

Well, we all saw it. We all knew it was coming. They tried to warn us.

Vinnie said he’d never have picked those colors.
Nub hated the colors.
Even Mikey wondered why Odie didn’t talk to people who knew colors.

But Paulie left Odie in charge of the project so neon yellow and orange it was.

Odie is a mush-mouthed kid. I felt a bit sorry for him when Nub said “he’s a good kid but a bit on the simple side.” On the other hand, Odie showed himself to be afraid to talk to people on the phone and to be a jerk under pressure. While I can’t believe Paulie didn’t have Vinnie supervise him, I also can’t believe that everyone was so willing to sit back and let him (and by extension, Paulie,) fail. Vinnie just sat back and watched. Why he didn’t jump in and tell Odie to rethink some things, or even give advice, is beyond me.

The bike is so ugly it is hard to find pictures online. I think Blingstar is trying to hide it. This is the first teaser I found:

There are also no pictures at all of Odie. In the picture above, he is the guy in the helmet in the background. If I got the ATV stuck in the mud on the unveil I wouldn’t show my face either. BTW- notice the date in the picture. They moved it up a month without notice. I think even TLC is ashamed of the quad.

Anyway, here are the pictures. I found them on the PJD Facebook site. Look at them and weep.

During the unveil, not only did Odie get it covered with mud, which was to be expected, but he also cracked and chipped the plastic cover. Nice going kid.

In other OCC news, Paul Sr.’s dog needs to have his leg amputated. As the most likeable member of the show, I feel sorry. Senior broke down and sobbed, which is more emotion than he ever showed toward any member of his family.

And Mikey wants his father to get counseling.

And it continues.

21 Responses to “American Chopper: Odie and the Ugly ATV”

  1. Allen Keyes December 15, 2010 at 12:56 am #

    The color scheme on that ATV is so hideous. It must’ve been picked out by a talented 5-yr old or a semi-trained gorilla.

    I remember when I was a kid and my idea of “coloring” was taking the red crayola and just drawing all sorts of zig-zag lines over the picture of GI Joe. That still would’ve been preferable to the abomination that “Odie” created.


  2. JRD Skinner December 15, 2010 at 11:25 am #

    I prefer the black-blob version of the ATV. Yikes.


    • bmj2k December 15, 2010 at 12:36 pm #

      The Steve McQueen edition.


      • JRD Skinner December 15, 2010 at 3:30 pm #

        Hah, once it’s done in the theater, he can jump the blob over the POW camp’s fence.


        • bmj2k December 15, 2010 at 5:11 pm #

          And then race it through the streets of San Francisco.


  3. CHAZ December 18, 2010 at 7:25 am #

    Hello. I have this theory that the character who is portrayed as “Odie” on OCC-Sr. VS Jr. is actually “Cody”- the kid that used to be on American Chopper and who eventually followed Vinny out of the show and was working with Vinny @ “V-Force”. This “Odie” even kind of looks like a malnourished version of that kid “Cody”. Does anyone else think this may be a possibility ?


    • Tracy Clanton December 27, 2010 at 12:08 am #

      That is exactly what I googled! I think that this is the old Cody!


  4. Hisoka December 28, 2010 at 1:05 am #

    That’s exactly what I googled. “is cody from ac actually odie in the new series.” the odie kid does look a little like a skinnier older Cody from old ac episodes. Although i went to v-forces website and the banner pic of vinny and whom I believe to be Cody is up. The person who I guess is Cody looks nothing like this odie though. The Cody on the v-force site doesn’t look like the old Cody from ac as well. He looks to have gained a lot of weight if that is him on the v-force website. I really want an answer to this question. By the way free Rick. It would be so awesome if Rick went to work for Paul. Also how can vinny work full-time at Pauls shop and still run his own company and build bikes at v-force?


    • bmj2k December 28, 2010 at 11:51 am #

      I get the impression that Vinnie isn’t full time at Paulie’s. I also don’t think he’s too busy at V-Force.


  5. murdy1975 January 5, 2011 at 11:17 pm #

    THATS NOT CODY, HE WORKS AT V-force and is more built physically. i cant stand him


    • bmj2k January 5, 2011 at 11:52 pm #

      Thanks Murdy.
      So V-Force is still in business? I figured that Vinnie was splitting his time between there and PJD.


      • murdy1975 January 6, 2011 at 4:46 pm #

        it seems v-force is still in business, their website is up and all.. im sure vinnie wouldnt shut it down to work with paulie, he wasnt even sure pjd would even work out


        • bmj2k January 6, 2011 at 5:02 pm #

          All things being equal, and if Paulie didn’t have a TV show, I’d bet Vinnie would be more successful.


  6. murdy1975 January 10, 2011 at 11:29 pm #

    odie was fired from occ when the let people go because of the economy, they said if things pick up they would take him back, now he is working with PJD


    • bmj2k January 11, 2011 at 12:32 am #

      There is no way he is going back to OCC, even if he never worked with PJD.


  7. January 18, 2011 at 12:26 am #

    Odie is an asshole i am surprised Paul Jr has not fire his lame ass!


    • bmj2k January 18, 2011 at 12:27 am #

      I don’t think Jr. pays too much so he really can’t afford anyone better.


  8. Dubrow January 18, 2011 at 10:52 am #

    The customer at Blingstar claimed on the show that they liked the quad. Maybe the customer was letting PJD save face.


    • bmj2k January 18, 2011 at 12:07 pm #

      He might really like it.
      Or it might have been the excitment, the cameras, etc.


  9. tartaruga January 6, 2012 at 11:39 am #

    odie,gia ilo nome t dice tutto!!con una faccia da culo del genere e gia un miracolo che lo hanno fatto apparire in tv!!che bocia stupido,arrogante,illuso!dei colori del quod nn ne par liamo,mio figlio d due anni gli avrebbe scelti meglio!!spero che legga i commenti su d lui,e che sene rendi conto!!ma coglione come e,sara ancora convinto d aver ragione,e d essere il piu grande!!ouudiii,sei solo un gran coglione!!!!!!!!!



  1. American Chopper Senior vs. Junior: Odie, Cody, and the Foreclosure. | Mr. Blog's Tepid Ride - June 10, 2017

    […] Regardless of what anyone thinks of Paulie, he is Odie’s boss and he deserves some respect. Odie has to realize that he is nowhere near the level of any of the other guys in the shop and shut up. The kid has to pay his dues, especially after he showed his near-incompetence in the construction of the ugly Blingstar ATV. […]


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