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Imponderable #132: He’s A Van Man

22 Aug

August 22, 2016

blank imponderable header


This Imponderable comes to us from Dayton Ohio. Dayton is the home of an international airshow, but this guy really, really prefers cars.


C’mon guys, who hasn’t had an experience like this? You’re walking down the street, maybe a little drunk or high, maybe blasted out of your mind, when a pretty van gives you the eye. Well, one thing leads to the other, and yada yada yada, you end with with your penis in the van’s grill. Happens all the time.

I found it interesting that he stuck his junk in the grill. I’d have expected him to stick it in the gas tank, or maybe the tailpipe. I guess the grill is the auto equivalent of oral sex?

The question is Imponderable.

Hmm. I wonder if the van needs victim counseling?

