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Peter Mayhew Is Damn Cool

12 Jun

June 12, 2013

This is the first of a pair of Star Wars-related posts. Come back tomorrow for Porkins!


When it comes to taking away Peter Mayhew’s cane, let the Wookie win.

I think it is just too cool that Peter Mayhew has a lightsaber cane. If I had one it would be geeky, if an average fanboy had one it would be the ultimate proof of nerd, but in Peter Mayhew’s hands? Perfect. How many actors today don’t embrace the roles that make them famous? Jonathan Frid for many years would not talk about Dark Shadows, and until recently Harrison Ford would clam up whenever the subject turned to Han Solo. So it is fantastic to see a man like Peter Mayhew who not only accepts but embraces the role that made him famous.

Peter Mayhew is totally cool.
