American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior: Cadillac Build-Off Part 2

6 Jun

June 6, 2011

For those of you who missed part one, here is a quick recap:

Cadillac approached both OCC and PJD with the idea of building a bike for charity. It is being billed as a build-off because one of them will be chosen as the better bike. PJD seems to have the edge because they have a pair of brand new Cadillacs in the shop and are using them as a template and for parts. OCC has a fairly average Jason Pohl design. Senior spent the entire episode telling blatant lies about Paulie and outright insulting him, and then decided that he should meet him in person and make up. And oh yeah, get those shares of OCC Paulie owns. Response to last week’s show is pretty consistent. Emailer’s agree that Paulie has the better bike and that Senior is a jerk.

This episode, like so many before them, just served to show what a jerk he is. He went on and on about how “paranoid” Paulie is, to the point  that he became obsessed with it. He actually believed that Paulie hired spies to take pictures of OCC’s bike. So to prove… I don’t know what he wanted to prove, he and his partner-in-stupid Jason Pohl dressed up in cammo gear, covered themselves in leaves, and crawled commando-style through a vacant lot to Paulie’s fence and hung a sign to tease him.

Paulie never even mentioned it.

More and more, the main draw of this show is Senior’s idiocy. It stopped being about the bikes long ago, and it isn’t even about the lawsuit anymore since it only rated about three minutes of screen time. Here’s the update: They are close to a deal.

However, it wouldn’t be fair of me to not mention something nice. Some kids from the Duchenne’s charity visited. Duchenne is a type of muscular dystrophy and the bikes will be auctioned off to help that charity. Some of the kids visited OCC where they designed a bike with Sr. and Jason Pohl. The kids left with copies of the blueprints they designed. Those guys are jerks, but that was a nice moment.

The kids also visited PJD where they painted with Mikey. Mikey had the line of the night. A parent said to him “you’re an artist too?” Mikey replied “I call myself that.” Nice! No one else does.

The centerpiece of the show was not the disappointing unveil but a competition in which OCC and PJD each raced Cadillacs and compared times.

Senior: “I think we smoked it.”

In fact, Senior had the slowest time and Paulie, everyone else from PJD, and the rest of OCC all beat his time. And he’s the big car collector and “risk taker,” which he must have said about half a dozen times. The fastest time was from an OCC guy we never saw before, named Storm. I think they brought in a ringer. The winning team? PJD, and Senior was visibly upset.

At the unveil, Senior and Junior were together for the first time with each other’s bikes. Paulie’s was far better. They drove out simultaneously and stopped, facing each other. Paulie pulled a power mover. After a pause, he lowered his bike to the ground, no kickstand. The crowd roared. Senior had a surprise too. His had a hidden gas tank and what everyone thought was the tank actually hid a nitrous bottle.

Neither said much, though they did fist bump, and you could see that each crew liked and admired some parts or features of the other’s bike. PJD’s bike was mostly favored by Caddy designers, particularly one who said “I’m the rear engineer.” That’s an interesting title. There was also plenty of love for the OCC bike too.

Which bike was better? I say it was Paulie’s. It was low and long and had great sleek lines. The rear looked like a Caddy rear. Senior’s was nice, not great.

As Dandydan wrote here in response to last week’s blog, all the OCC technology (which Senior bragged about again) just makes their bikes less impressive. And Rick Petko said on the show this week “There’s tons of chrome and paint, more than we’ve had in a long time.” How long? Since Paulie left?

But you all want to know who won. I have to tell you…

… no one won. It was a bullshit ending. They gave a website so the fans could vote on the bikes. No winner was declared.

To see the bikes and bid or vote, go to I hope that link works for you because as of this writing the site is overloaded.

120 Responses to “American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior: Cadillac Build-Off Part 2”

  1. mike June 6, 2011 at 10:48 pm #

    Bullshit ending!!!!!!!


    • bmj2k June 6, 2011 at 10:50 pm #

      Total bullshit! When did they say this was a fan vote? They were supposed to pick a winner!


      • Denny Kowalski June 7, 2011 at 1:17 am #

        That sucked. Paul Sr. should realize the shows are recorded. Maybe he should listen to what he says. He keeps blaming everybody else for his greed. Just admit it Paul Sr. your son out did you. It takes a real man to admit he is wrong. MAN UP PAUL SR.


        • bluehsine66 June 13, 2011 at 8:45 pm #

          Really? Paul Sr. blamed no one for anything. I don’t know what episode you watched but Senior actually had really good things to say about his son and there has NEVER been an episode where SR. trash talked his son. Jr. is the one lying on camera. He wants to say SR. made an offer and then retracted it all of a sudden but without telling all of you who suck his ass that it was because his lawyers refused the offer. He wants to sit there and say he didn’t know why it was retracted but he knew damn well why it was retracted. He sat there on camera and lied to his wife as well. Don’t forget the shares were GIFTED to jr. He never earned them and now he is building a business off of his dad’s sweat and tears along with his clients and vendors. And as for the biker build off, while Sr. had the most unique bike in OCC hisotry, Jr. just did a basic cut up build with client product parts and a knock off of Matt Hotch’s kickstand free design. The ONLY reason the crown oohed and ahhed is because they have no idea who Matt Hotch is and if Jr. is going to ride in there with his smug smile and try to pawn that feature off as his own then he has no business in the bike industry. Paul Sr. knows the show is recorded, I think it’s Jr. who needs to think before he speaks. Sr. has made numerous attempts to make contact and his son’s are the one’s who blow HIM off, not the other way around. You and everyone on here that has taken the side of Jr. is supporting a spoiled brat who never had to work hard for what he has now.


          • bmj2k June 13, 2011 at 9:41 pm #

            “Sr. has made numerous attempts to make contact and his son’s are the one’s who blow HIM off, not the other way around.” Mikey has handled the situation like a fool, no doubt about it, and I’ve said it on numerous older posts. As for Paulie, all he has to do is watch his own show and listen to what his father says about him. I’d blow him off too. You can say things are edited out, that we don’t see everything, but Senior is a producer and star of the show. If he thought he was looking bad or something wasn’t accurate he has the power to change it. The fact that he doesn’t change it and consistently comes off like a blow-hard jerk tells me maybe that’s about right.


            • ikert24kfan June 20, 2011 at 12:05 am #

              Well at least, he makes own money. If Jr. wants to be really free from his father then he should just give back the 20%. Part of the money he makes still comes from OCC. If he was really confident
              about his abilities, then rely on that and not your dad’s money.


              • BigPerm July 22, 2011 at 12:05 am #

                No one would give back money or shares they earned,that doesnt even make sense.I mean lets be serious and truthful here.Paulie made OCC what it is Today,SR just started the Co.He gave Paulie shares because he knew what he brought to the table and that he was a big BIG part of the sucsess of OCC.Wasnt til after the falling out that there was an issue,just like when you brake up with yer girl,everything is good when yer together,but once you brake up now yer a piece of sh%t.Paul Jr made all the great bikes cuz the old man is too closed minded and would make every bike look the same.I mean he has a problem puttin on the triple trees and braking stuff all the time,he doesnt have what it takes as a designer or a builder.Either way,hes a bitter old man.How come his other So,his daughter and Mikey all have nothing to do with him??? Because of the way he treats them,they dont work at OCC,but they dont want nothing to do with him.So is it they are all wrong and just pickon him???NO,its him.Either way,Paulies Caddy Bike is a lot better without the idiot kid on the computer makin the designs and all the other fancey shit thats uneeded.Hes a true bike builder and Dad hates that he surpassed him in the game he taught him.


              • Al Nyc October 24, 2011 at 8:38 pm #

                What was that?? Are you watching the same show?? THEY SETTLED? He does make his own money. And why give back the money?? He worked hard for it. It was a team effort at one time. But Sr. saw the camera on Jr, more than him, that’s when things changed. Watch the old show’s and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
                Now look at Jr’s shop, he’ building his own bikes now, look at Sr. he don’t build anything. Just sits there in the office typing like a 2-two year old kid. Maybe comes out to tighten up a bolt or two, or bang a fender.


          • mac322 June 13, 2011 at 11:50 pm #

            All I want is for the Teutuls to get together and become a family again.
            Family is more important than all the money in the world.


            • bmj2k June 13, 2011 at 11:53 pm #

              Well said.


            • angel August 29, 2011 at 10:20 pm #

              Sr. never treated his boys like sons. He treats Rick better than he ever treated Jr. So be a family again? I hope Jr. Never go’s back to that abusive relationship again!!!! Not until his dad tack’s some responsibility for his actions and only then can he actually change. He is a dry drunk. It is sad but true


            • Michael W. October 18, 2011 at 1:39 am #

              Sorry wrong again, family is not worth it if you have to give up your soul and your self respect. This has been nothing more than child abuse and it started long before this show or Srs business ever started. I left my family a long time ago and if I hadn’t I would have gone to drugs or finish killing myself, and once I was very close to it. My family did not love me or even treat me as family. Just because they are blood don’t make them love you. Sorry you are deluded at best. Or maybe just full of BS. One or the other for sure. And just because people make fake gestures to save face doesn’t mean they love anyone but themselves.

              Michael. W.


          • Terri June 22, 2011 at 6:10 pm #

            NEVER an episode where Sr trash talked Jr??? Where the hell have you been? He does it in EVERY episode!


            • Dre Williams July 25, 2011 at 12:43 pm #

              I would never let my father treat me the way senior has treated junior all these years. I would have blow up and stopped talking to him years ago. The fact that it took pally this long to snap shows that hes a damn saint. I could not have taken that much abuse for that long.


            • Todd August 4, 2011 at 12:01 am #



          • Terri June 22, 2011 at 6:12 pm #

            As I said ……….. where have you been? There has not been one episode where Sr. hasn’t trash talked Jr. Don’t know what show you are watching. And Sr.’s attempts are bogus — he is threatened by his own son’s success and does nothing but trash talk his son — he is a disgrace as a father.


          • angel August 29, 2011 at 10:16 pm #

            you are as delirious as Sr. Sounds to me like this might be Sr. himself trying to stick up for him!!!!! As if you know what is happening behind cameras? REALLY? And i hear Sr. talk shit about Jr. ALL THE TIME? People will only take you serious if your honest and realistic. (witch you aren’t)


          • b.mclane August 30, 2011 at 11:11 am #

            Jr. Does not trash talk his Dad.He goes out of his way to cut him slack and not be nasty. Sr. on the other hand has anger management issues. As far as your silly statement that Jr. is “lazy” …You rarely see Sr. doing anything but propping up his legs at his desk. Its Jr’s vision that makes the bikes so great. Sr. made the company, but others have made it great.


          • MKuster September 12, 2011 at 10:02 am #

            bluehsine66 you must be out of your mind. What show are you watching. Your telling everyone here that Sr. never talks trash about Jr, Mikey, or Vinnie? Really. Every show that has aired since the split, Sr. has had something negative to say about them. Just because he makes an attempt to make contact with them does not dismiss that fact that he is a total scumbag. What father in his right mind would sue his own son. Jr. has, in most cases ignored the statements that his father as thrown at him. In my mind Jr. is the bigger person here. Another thing since your so closed minded about Jr. and his ability to design motorcycles, Senior made alot of money off of what Paul Jr. brought to the lift with his design abilities. As for the “gifted shares”, The court ruled that Jr. was in no way obligated to return these shares. They were given to him because he earned them for all the blood, sweat and tears that came with working for, not with, his father. I think it was a great thing for Paul Jr. to sell his shares back to Sr. because of the financial failure of OCC. The reason for this failure is the fact that Jr. is not there anymore bringing creative engineering to the table. If my father did anything like what Sr. is doing to Jr., 1. I would be devastated, 2. I would do everything in my power to make him as miserable as he made me. However, Jr. has not done that to Sr. in any way shape of form. Jr. has never lied, talked smack or even emotional and personally attacked his father the way Sr. has towards Jr., Mikey, or Vinnie. Get your story straight and come back down to earth. Start watching the same show that everyone else in the world is watching. I would be ashamed of myself by doing and saying the things that Sr. has said and done to JR. PJD rocks. OCC is going down financially. Id be willing to bet that Sr. begs JR. to help him bring OCC back from the DEAD and I hope that JR. spits in his face. Anyone that doesnt see that Sr. is a Scumbag than well their a scumbag as well and I suspect that he or she would do the same scumbag thing to their own family. So, have a nice day. Enjoy the fact that Sr. and OCC’s world HQ building is being foreclosed on. because I am.


            • Michael W. October 18, 2011 at 1:47 am #

              ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!!!!

              On tonight’s show RICK told Sr. and others over there he liked it much better when they weren’t building off of some idiots drawing who doesn’t know anything about motorcycles.
              He also address that Pool does CUT and PASTE. Pool went ballistic tonight just like his father. LOL Great show, only disappointment was Sr. did not fire Pool, but he would have fired Jr. for same thing. What a bunch of losers. Rick liked it much better when Jr. was building bikes there, he as much as said it tonight. I hope you people saw the show it was great.

              Michael W.


          • Jake Dillon July 15, 2021 at 6:56 am #

            Was this comment by brown tongue Jason pohl in disguise


        • Ted July 27, 2011 at 12:54 pm #

          Every forum on every website I’ve visited has been trash talking senior and implying that junior is the better designer and senior wouldn’t be anywhere without junior. I think senior just wants junior to remember who’s nuts he came from and who started him down the path he’s on. If it wasn’t for senior’s vision and the skills he was already acquiring when junior was still sh*tting his pants, junior would probably be head chef at burger king.


          • Manuel R August 1, 2011 at 7:07 pm #

            Senior was probably having other people build his bikes while he sits down and yells like a little bitch, and he continues to do it now. Except he has a perfect team of brown nosers to build the bikes. Senior is a self righteous piece of shit. Junior is and will always be a BETTER BIKE BUILDER than his shitty father.


            • Jon October 11, 2011 at 8:40 pm #

              A lot of hostility there Manuel.
              Take a deep breath Bro…..


          • MKuster September 12, 2011 at 10:11 am #

            you too fall into the same category as bluehsine66. Really, come on man Sr. himself could never in a million years build a bike like JR. can. Watch the shows were Sr. actually tries to help with the build. He doesnt even know how to put triple trees together. He always asks for help and or looks at a diagram. It always takes him hours to do this. You are right about the fact that Sr. started Jr. down this path. However time, experience and passion has brought Paul Jr. to where he is today. ONE OF THE BEST BIKE ENGINEERS/ FABRICATOR/ DESIGNER in the World. Furthermore I would like to know what visions and skills you think that Sr. has had toward building these choppers. Any and all vision or skill that has ever come out of OCC has been from JR., Vinnie, Rick, and the rest of the OCC crew. Not from Sr. Wake up and open your eyes, OCC is going down. and its captain is going down with the ship


      • David C. June 7, 2011 at 1:21 am #

        This whole ordeal was staged by the teutels, pilligan and discovery to make them all very wealthy as if they aren’t wealthy enough already.


        • Michael W. October 18, 2011 at 1:56 am #

          You are sick, if you can’t see real anger and jealousy you are dumber than dumb. Paul Sr. is not an actor, he couldn’t act his way out of a wet paper bag, and I know some people who know them and they all say it is for real. Playing on what is real and there is one thing, they don’t need to make up anything, the TRUTH is stranger than fiction, and I didn’t make up that saying.

          Some of you people I don’t think are real, what is behind the show is.

          And some of you I think should give up blogging as a hobby and take up THINKING, maybe you will improve.

          Michael W.


      • bluehsine66 June 13, 2011 at 8:51 pm #

        uh, it said right on the screen where to go to vote. The voting wasn’t done yet and the bikes hadn’t been auctioned off yet. It was filmed in the winter for the spring television season block. We as viewers are supposed to choose the winner. Were you really watching……..?


        • bmj2k June 13, 2011 at 9:34 pm #

          The site was on screen but nowhere in the show, the previous show, or the promos did anyone say that was how it would be decided. Senior and Paulie, who are producers of the show, never said it on screen, the Cadillac guy never said it. It was never promoted as a fan vote. Shows run votes and contests for fans all the time and promote them on the screen but they are rarely part of the show. All Discovery did was turn it into a popularity contest.


      • plr9869 August 27, 2011 at 7:18 pm #

        i think the designer from cadillac said it all “Paul Jr. NAILED IT”.
        that was the cadillac designer who made that comment. the
        exec’s cant tell the truth they’re business men. Clearly Paul Jr.s bike stole the show. SR is an ASSHOLE AND A SORE LOOSER, totally unprofessional.


    • andrew June 7, 2011 at 4:37 pm #

      Paul jr doesnt need any computer to build a bike nore any artist to draw 4 him and jason couldnt build a bike on his own, hes a joke. But i will be the only 1 to say or admit this so listen close, Paul Sr tought jr to build bikes so we should thank him for doing so.It was him who started this franchise with his own hard work but jr finished it.Most fathers want thier son to be better than they were but not you.


      • ikert24kfan June 20, 2011 at 12:11 am #

        Be that as it, he still needs OCC’s 20%. If he wants to be better than his father then give it back!


        • b.mclane August 30, 2011 at 11:14 am #

          20% was Jr’s take of the business. He was a partner inthe business and when you separate you sell your shares and move on. Giving it back is stupid idea. Would prove nothing.


    • america69 June 12, 2011 at 6:39 pm #

      the voting websit was shut down due to ppl bullshit bidding on the bikes they were just trolling the website so they shut it down and are trying to fix the problem as we speak


      • bmj2k June 12, 2011 at 6:51 pm #

        But the votes should still count, I hope. I don’t want Sr. to say “Paulie sent a lot of people to vote for him. The vote doesn’t mean anything.” But aw hell, he can say it anyway.


    • b.mclane August 30, 2011 at 11:22 am #

      Its erroneous to say its SR.vs JR. Would be more correct to say OCC (whose logo was designed by Jr.) vs PJD. Senior did not design his bike, Jason the hired help did with a mountain of technology. Jr. did design his bike and they built it with communication and hard work. Jr’s bike fit the order to the tee. Even I can look at his Cadillac bike and see the car influence in it. Senior’s bike had elements of the car involved but tried to empress with extra horse power.


  2. Russ June 7, 2011 at 1:08 am #

    Sr. is an egotistical ass who has nothing good to say about Jr….always belittling him for his own gain..thank god my dad loves me for who i am…YOU ROCK JR. YOUR BIKE HAS MY VOTE


  3. brock June 7, 2011 at 1:11 am #

    what the hell.i thought i could vote now.besides everyone was under the impression the winner was going to decided i have to listen to my idiot buddies argue who is better for another week!


    • bmj2k June 7, 2011 at 1:24 am #


      And last time I checked the vote Paulie was ahead about 10 to 1.


  4. Chief June 7, 2011 at 1:37 am #

    Don’t like ether they are not rideball.If you see from the first you see JR. is the creator,but I wish JR. would build A radical streched and deracked with stock wheel base, they ride soo good.


  5. john churchill June 7, 2011 at 1:56 am #

    I thought jr. bike had more to do with the caddy style. But I do have some advice for both of them, The old guy who visited them, that was dying from cancer, wether that was all B.S. or staged by discovery, he called it the way it is. Family is forever, the’re the only thing you can always count on!!


    • bmj2k June 7, 2011 at 2:06 am #

      Yeah, you’re right about family. Say what you want about Mikey, he may really be mishandling the situation, but he is hurt inside.


  6. Carol From NH June 7, 2011 at 7:38 am #

    Hey Sr. are you going to wait until something happens to your children to admit you are wrong the way you talk to your boys. You are lucky that you have children that are so talented and gracious and well. Get a grip and admit that you are the problem. If this is all staged it is really showing what an ass you are


    • just sayin June 10, 2011 at 8:34 pm #

      agreed 100%


  7. Ray June 7, 2011 at 9:03 am #

    Jr is way a better builder and Sr and he knows this, Sr cares more about his dead dog than his own son and the only thing Sr can build is a f—-d up relationship with his sons.I was raised with out a father and told my self when i raise my family i will not be like my father,so Jr all i can say is do the same— go PJD


  8. Joe Peterson June 7, 2011 at 9:09 am #

    Having visited bot shops recently, I do not believe or think that the show is staged. Besides these guys are not professional actors.


    • bmj2k June 7, 2011 at 10:34 am #

      I know OCC has a store but does PJD just let people show up?


  9. brent yeley June 7, 2011 at 11:09 am #

    Paul SR is such a jackass. I seen the show and all he talks about is PJD. He needs to get over it that his son has moved on and doing great. I have never liked how he treated his boys and now that they have moved on he dont like it because he knows PJD will out do him. SR get over it and move on. Paul JR and mikey have so you need to do the same.


  10. Mellymelsr June 7, 2011 at 11:51 am #

    Jr’s bike was easily the winner. The OCC bike showed no imagination at all. Even the OCC employees couldn’t stop looking at JR’s bike. Sr is a bitter man destined to be alone…for him to say Jason is a better designer than Paul Jr is just ridiculous. Before he insults his son anymore he should look at his bank account and thank Jr for the designs that made him rich.


  11. Papawd June 7, 2011 at 12:37 pm #

    Jr.’s Bike is by far a better looking bike with personnel details.Sr’s bikes are just put together by computor generated not as much hands on. I think Sr. needs to look at Himself in the mirror as stated on a previous show He got together with one of his other sons who He had not talked to in years maybe it is time for Him to admit He may have a problem.


    • bmj2k June 7, 2011 at 1:31 pm #

      On the one hand Senior beat his addictions so he is capable of it. On the other hand I don’t think he believes he has a problem, which is the first step.


    • BigPerm July 22, 2011 at 12:16 am #

      There stil not talking,and neither is his only daughter and that would suck.He has four children and doesnt have a relationship with any of them.What does that say?{PJ helped make OCC what it is today but P Sr cant give him the credit for making some very nice bikes or that his designs helped give OCC a name.His whinnibg is getting old.And for dude who said Sr never bashes or talks bad about P Jr…..Put down the crack pipe Bro,your as out of yer mind and as dilusional as Sr.That didnt even make sense/


  12. cool breeze June 7, 2011 at 1:48 pm #

    anyone else think that all the crew from OCC is jealous of Jr.? Jason is an ass kisser who wants to replace all of seniors kids and the others keep saying paul Jr. took all the credit for everything they did. Are they forgetting Paul Jr. OWNED 20% of the business? do you see Senior working like Jr. did? All Senior did when Paul Jr., worked for him was belittle him in front of other employees and make him clean up their coffee cups. of course they all resented him and wanted him gone so they could snuggle up to Senior and kiss his ass. I have seen this before when family works together, the rest of the staff thinks that someone is getting special treatment and they do things to put a wedge between them. the only one who does not do this as much is Rick.


    • bmj2k June 7, 2011 at 2:00 pm #

      Oh man, I remember the coffee cup episode. Paulie and Vinnie were working on a bike and I think there was a deadline coming up and he made them stop and clean. OK, I get the shop shouldn’t be a disaster but you have to expect some mess when people are working like that. If I brought my car into a mechanic and the garage was spotless I’d walk out. He should have paid a kid a couple of bucks to clean, or had Mikey do it. All he did (when he did anything) was sweep.


      • cool breeze June 7, 2011 at 2:46 pm #

        There were multiple episodes I can recall where Senior humilliated Jr. about the mess that EVERYBODY IN THE SHOP was responsible for. Doesn’t he see everyone else in the shop snickering when he yells at Paul Jr? Senior just wants to be greedy and have everyone think he is the sh#* and make all the money. He thinks he is entitled. a common dilema for “sober” alcoholics and drug abusers. They think their kids owe them something for doing their job as a parent. I think he is jealous of Jr.’ talent and creativity. I hope he gets therapy. When everyone was kissing his ass except for his kids, he could not understand why they did not act like he was the best thing since sliced bread when everyone else did and he thinks they are ungratefull. Well, what do they have to be gratefull about? that you finally soberred up and was a dad to them? it was your job and you did it half assed and poorly. Like your bikes. whenever something is too difficult, you settle for seccond best and declare it good enough. Jr. works and works to perfect whatever he does. Obviously someone better had some kind of influence on the boys for them to have turned out so well.


        • ikert24kfan June 20, 2011 at 12:29 am #

          Turned out so well?! Mikey the spoiled alcoholic so-called artist wanna-be?! Had their their sons been more involved then maybe this wouldn’t have happened. As for Paulie, apart from being late all the time, he let two bikes get wrecked during assembly. He also made this decisions without his father’s approval.


    • Michael W. October 18, 2011 at 2:12 am #

      Rick said in tonights show they he wished they built bikes the way they used to without CUT AND PASTE from the idiot POOL. Rick said he didn’t know anything about bikes. Pool did a big blow up and show was great.

      Rich should go over to Jrs and work.

      Michael W


  13. cool breeze June 7, 2011 at 1:57 pm #

    I loved Jr’s bike it was sleek and sexy with curves and great lines. all around beautiful. i would have loved to have seen it in the caddy pearl white though, but then again, the black diamond was full on hot


  14. Lloyd Hutchinson June 7, 2011 at 2:32 pm #

    All I can say is Family Forever, as adults we sometimes think we know and lived everything and that we can’t learn from our young people. Learn one thing, ” LIFE IS SHORT “.


    • Michael W. October 18, 2011 at 2:15 am #

      You are a fool, the TRUTH is forever FAMILY can be suicide. You are living in a Father knows best world, wake up. This is NOT a family and most probably never was one, it is CHILD ABUSE and has been going on a long time.

      FAMILY is nothing without REAL LOVE and CONSIDERATION and RESPECT.

      Michael W.


  15. Lloyd Hutchinson June 7, 2011 at 2:34 pm #

    PJD, WHAT A BIKE!!!!!!!! Hands down the winner.


  16. Scott June 7, 2011 at 2:50 pm #

    JR’s bike was by FAR the better looking bike. OCC is going downhill quickly…. Rick Petco is the only decent guy left in that glitzy craphole, and he needs to come over to PJD. Jason P tries to be funny like Mikey, but just comes across as annoying. Easily the second biggest douche behind Senior. One day Senior will realize that he is going to die a lonely man, since none of his kids want anything to do with him, for the most part.


  17. keywest June 7, 2011 at 2:56 pm #

    I think the show should end-it’s the same ol same ol bike builds anyway. Yeah, JR. had a lot of imagination
    copying the cts caddy, his boys did a great job on the tank top and rear -THAT WAS IT?. Sr. did his usual off the drawing board stuff, looked a little more original at least. Just done with the teutal family and adventures. Bring back the real bike build off teams. NO MORE THEME BIKES PLEASE.


  18. AceJack73 June 7, 2011 at 6:37 pm #

    I liked Jr’s bike better but I maybe bias due the fact that I want to see senior fail without Jr. I asked my wife & she picked Jr’s bike as well. As far as the way senior treated Jr @ work, the only thing I can say for sure is that he was not consistent on the way he treated Jr & Mikey. It seemed he let Mikey get away with anything and Mikey didn’t do anything to help in anyway when it came to actually building the bikes, yet senior seemed much harder on Jr about everything. The only point I can see that senior had was that Jr was consistently late & he really was. I’m one of those always on time people and its very annoying when other people are consistently late. If I owned my own business I would expect everyone to show up on time. But I feel senior has some serious anger management issues, the proof is that he alienated his other son and is not on speaking terms with him either. I forget the 3rd son’s name but they hardly talk about him.


    • bmj2k June 7, 2011 at 6:40 pm #

      I can’t defend Paulie’s lateness, but how many times did Sr take off for a massage in the middle of the day?


      • AceJack73 June 7, 2011 at 7:33 pm #

        Very true, but this consistent with corporate America. I don’t know about where you work but it seems like my boss is late & leaves early all the time. Now that Jr is his own boss, he does come and go as he pleases but expects his employees to adhere to a regular schedule. Do I think this is fair? No. Do I think great leader should lead by example? Yes. Is it standard operating procedure for the bosses to get away with things that there subordinates can’t? Yes.


        • bmj2k June 7, 2011 at 7:41 pm #

          I think you are right about all of that. But I think OCC was always a lot more casual, especially at the beginning when it was just the Teutuls and a couple of other guys. Things really got bad when OCC got big and got a structure. PJD is what OCC was like in the old days.


          • mac322 June 14, 2011 at 12:07 am #

            I was thinking of that my self They got back to the basics and got rid of all of tha hoopla and glitter. Just build bikes!!!!!!!!!


  19. WTF !!!! June 7, 2011 at 8:08 pm #

    Jr’s bike is far superior to Sr’s and I think it is bullshit that no winner was announced and I can’t find a place to click and vote.WTF !!!!!


    • bmj2k June 7, 2011 at 11:51 pm #

      Click the link at the end of the post.


  20. Wmsbrum June 7, 2011 at 9:32 pm #

    Yeah! PJD is stomping a mudhole in OCC’s behind! I honestly can’t believe how many times Sr just shows his ass on television. WTF would he do if PJD had moved to Florida to build bikes? Sr and Jason sneaking into PJD…them cats need a reality check..someone shoulda shot some rock salt at those clowns!


  21. Russ Baer June 7, 2011 at 10:32 pm #

    I think Sr. has let his mocking bird mouth overload his hummingbird a– . We are all tired of his constant bashing of Jr. and trying to make himself look better. He should get some professional help for his anger . I think he should man up and admitt that the real problem is with Steve, Jim, Jason & himself. The problems started with them and their agenda. Jr. built a great bike that was right on. The public proved that. A+++ Jr.


  22. Steve June 8, 2011 at 9:51 am #

    It’s nice to see that a lot of other people also notice what a gaggle of ass kissers the crew at O.C.C. have become. That’s what Senior wants and what he thrives on. He needs people who will immediately pick up his pencil when he drops it, in order to be secure in the knowledge that he’s the boss. Otherwise he lacks the confidence to be really sure that he is. That is also behind the constant attacks on Junior. Insecurity on Senior’s part and nothing more than that. That is obviously the main reason for the state of his relationship with Junior. Junior wasn’t and isn’t going to kiss Senior’s ass and he’s afraid of Pauly. The only “real” person at O.C.C. anymore is Rick. The rest of them could probably easily tell you what Senior had for supper the night before, as soon as he walks in every morning. Jason Tard just needs to be knocked on his ass every time he opens his stupid yap. A complete idiot boy with the personality of a 12 year old. I usually Tivo the show and watch it later. I ended up fast forwarding completely through the “Deadliest Catch” episode because it was all O.C.C. As for the Cadillac bikes, it was Junior hands down. No contest.


    • ikert24kfan June 19, 2011 at 11:29 pm #

      Actually, I’m not surprise that Sr. would be building a bike for Deadliest Catch and not Jr. Apart from making the deadline, Sr. has a lot more in common with the captains of D.C. than Jr. If you think Sr. is mean, those captains are a hell of a lot nasty.


  23. Bikeman June 8, 2011 at 11:24 am #

    Listen here people that just watch the show because they make “pretty bikes”. Seniors bike although it may have not looked as nice as juniors was far more superior. Juniors bikes are all about looks and they always have been. Seniors bike was more based on speed and engine work which if you are a true bike enthusiast you would appreciate what senior did. Junior had engine problems with his bike at the end. In my honest opinion the two of them together again would be the best situation possible. Both have different abilities they bring to the bike building world. Thats just my opinion though


    • Chuck Dennison June 8, 2011 at 3:34 pm #

      They are called motors not engines. So Sr bought a larger motor and added nitrous which would almost be impossible to use and even if you did it would only be for a few seconds and then the bottle is a paperweight. Paulie had a bad ignition. It was a part that was replaced. Why blame Paulie for that?


      • Chuck Dennison June 8, 2011 at 3:37 pm #

        PS. And the show/bikes have never been about speed. The fastest any of these bikes have gone are about 40 MPH on a test drive, then they sit in some corporate HQ lobby somewhere.


        • bmj2k June 8, 2011 at 4:39 pm #

          Yeah, this show was always about how they looked, not how they performed. Sr even rode some bikes and said how uncomfortable they were.


      • MKuster September 12, 2011 at 10:50 am #

        Really, they are called motors. I alway thought that motors are run by electricity and engines run on gas or diesel. Maybe im wrong


    • Michael W. October 18, 2011 at 2:35 am #

      Hey Bikeman, Sr. has nothing to offer anyone about anything unless it is on how to do child abuse.
      You must not have watched many shows, his IDEARS are usually BS and all he knows how to do is yell at people and tell them to clean up. I don’t really think that is an ability, more of a annoyance if anything.

      Michae. W.


  24. The Hook June 8, 2011 at 11:59 am #

    I don’t know what to make of this show anymore….


  25. Wheelsfun2000 June 8, 2011 at 2:16 pm #

    I think pjd did it he did it and didn’t have a lot of bs while he was building like sr Paul Jr is winner and he and his dad do need to get over this because I lost my father two years ago and still miss him so they need to say enough with it I know it’s hard with a dad like that but when he’s gone it will be to late


  26. Daniel dugan June 9, 2011 at 11:16 am #



    • mac322 June 13, 2011 at 11:58 pm #

      I Agree and we all know who will win.


  27. Arkie June 9, 2011 at 4:26 pm #

    Sr. ( IDEAR) Wasn’t to Bad, Nice Bike-Probably Rick ( IDEAR) anyway —–But when Jr. Rode in and the Fan’s all mound when it set down without kick stain, & look more like a Cad. Took the Show & Won The Bike Build Off. By Far !! Last time I saw the Vote Jr. was leading by a 10 to 1 Mag. Sr. Lost a lot of Votes for being such a ASSHOLE- -Sad- When a man thinks more of a dead dog than his boys !!


    • ikert24kfan June 19, 2011 at 11:20 pm #

      Sr. is no saint and needs to lighten up but Paulie had some blame as well. He already knew what his father didn’t like and kept on doing it. True, he’s the better designer but Sr. is the guy who oversees everything. If he was a bad father then why give Paulie 20% of the business? As for Mikey, Sr. gave him a car, a truck and even let him move to one of his old houses. If only Sr. conveyed the message that he wanted Jr. to more involved more gently and Jr. should have seen it, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.


  28. Wmsbrum June 10, 2011 at 8:00 pm #

    PJD Smokes OCC on the viewer poll!

    That’s all she wrote!


  29. ron June 10, 2011 at 11:08 pm #

    paul jr proved who the better custom builder is. Senior proved who the dumbest builder was. how can senior say ,he builds custom bikes,when he uses a boot licker nerd jason,to design the bikes on a computer,using the same stuff over and over with some changes.then he runs out to hes shop and orders it built the way it is on the drawing. then he leaves and works a few times on it.comes out with cheesy bikes designed by a nerd in a little room with no talent,accept to sucker on to seniors rear. Paul jr and hes crew actually takes the time to design as they go ,with the theme they have,starting from scratch without any drawings. they win hands down everytime against just about anyone. Paul takes time and creates,designs ,and customizes ,paul sr rushes and huffs and puffs ,while doing nothings,while a nerd draws on a computer,and all fall in agreeing with senior how great everything is. im sure they know better but whos going to stand up to sr ,paulies not there anymore.


    • K1 June 11, 2011 at 8:50 am #

      Jason and that baldhead cat whatever his name is are two of the worst brown noses that i’ve ever seen , I’ve been watching the show for years and I still don’t know his name that shows you what i think about him. I’m sick and tired of the OCC side of the show I really just want to see what Jr. comes up with. I would love to see Jr. in a real build-off with some other company with a real winner and a real loser , discovery really screwed up when they didn’t let the fans pick a winner and now they might lose alot of viewers because of it , I guess they think that they can just give the fans anything and we’ll accept it but they are wrong I love PJD but I’m tired of the same old plot every week and if it doesn’t change I’ll have to bid you fine folks fairwell. Once Jr. settles the lawsuit he should have his own show and then let’s see how well Sr. does , I bet people won’t even watch the re-runs.


      • bmj2k June 11, 2011 at 12:29 pm #

        As of noon Saturday the voting is 87,336 Paulie to 5,933 Sr. Paul Senior is getting smoked. The bidding is $100,000 Paulie to $20,000 Senior. That’s a lot of money for Duchenne and they can thank Paulie.


      • mac322 June 13, 2011 at 11:59 pm #

        What do you expect they need there jobs!!!!!!


  30. scott June 13, 2011 at 12:29 am #

    Both built nice bikes, one tried to make a replica of the car, the other did an interpretation of the stylings, they didn’t ask them to recreate the cts, but to build a bike using cadillac stylings…. the funniest thing most people don’t knoiw is that jr and senior produce the show, watch the credits, a slumping economy no one buys 100k bikes, what better way to stir businesss than to divide an conquer, they both win…is it all a con, I say yes


  31. bluehsine66 June 13, 2011 at 8:56 pm #

    This site is obviously very Pro Paul Jr. Even the person running this site is biased. If you want to have a respectable blog then remain objective instead of catering to one side. I personally favor Sr. if I was to choose a side, but if the person running this site was open to what both sides have to say then there would be a lot more balance here. This blog is very one sided.


    • bmj2k June 13, 2011 at 9:26 pm #

      I am Pro- Jr. but I wouldn’t call it a bias. I call it as I see it on screen. And if you go back to some older posts I wrote about how lazy Paulie is and how Vinnie and Brendon are frustrated by his too-laid back style of working. I’ve called him out on a few other things.

      Frankly, you lost me when you said in an earlier comment ” I don’t know what episode you watched but Senior actually had really good things to say about his son and there has NEVER been an episode where SR. trash talked his son.” Never? He does that all the time! He trash-talked him to Odie, of all people! He’s bad-mouthed Paulie to people visiting the shop!


    • mac322 June 14, 2011 at 12:01 am #

      I’m Not for either side I just want a father and a son become one again. However I do think JR built a nice bike.


    • ikert24kfan June 20, 2011 at 8:20 am #

      Agree. One guy who posted videos of American Chopper deleted and banned those who sided with Sr. I just want everyone here to know that while some side with Jr. and others side with Sr., let’s respect each other’s view and not insult others because we disagree.


      • bmj2k (Moderator) June 20, 2011 at 12:19 pm #

        I just want to state that the only comments that don’t get approved are those that are solely personal attacks on another commenter. It doesn’t matter if anyone disagrees with anyone else, including me. Sometimes I’ll cut out the attack and leave the comment if it adds someting to the discussion. (That has only happened 2 or 3 times.) I never edit any other part of a comment.


    • MKuster September 12, 2011 at 11:10 am #

      you are correct in saying that this blog is one sided. that s because the majority of people see that Sr. is wrong. right is right, fact is fact. And the fact is that Sr. is 100 percent wrong in the way he treats his family. Would you treat your family the same. I would love to see more Sr. fans express their opinions here in this blog. Of course everyone one is entitled to their own opinion but to say that Paul Jr. isnt a great designer and builder is absolutely ridiculous. I would love to see Both Sr. and Jr. Show the world what it exactly is that they know about building a great bike. I want to see Sr. go head to head with Jr. without help from anyone and build a bike. we will then and only then see who the better builder is. The Crew at OCC are not builders or designers, they are assemblers. PJD doesnt use alot of technology to build their bkes but use skill and experience to build them. With that said. I agree that there should be more comments and opinions expressed on this blog that are pro Senior. It would make it more interesting and fun


  32. granny dot June 14, 2011 at 9:32 am #

    My husband and I watch the show all the time. Even the reruns. We do it hoping to see something we missed. We love the creativity of Paulie. Hate the foul language and constant put downs from SR’s mouth. I don’t know why Sr. treats Mikey so much better than his other sons. Although I love Mikey I think it is horrible how he shows favortism to him. Paulie has to be hurt deeply by senior’s actions and thank goodness he doesn’t seem to resent mikey because of it. I sincerely hope senior’s rants and putdowns are all fake. However, I do know that there are men that treat total strangers far better than their families and usually the strangers do not have a clue because they are such good con artist. If they weren’t, none of them would ever get married or have children. I sincerely hope the show continues for a long time. luv u Junior Mikey and Rachael.


  33. ikert24kfan June 19, 2011 at 10:37 pm #

    He may hurt inside but when he was in OCC, he treated the shop like a playground. He was jester who thought nobody could touch him and when reality hit him in the face, he left OCC but he wasn’t fired. What happened to him there was his doing and if I was him, I’d take a good hard look at what I did. The guy’s a spoiled brat and lazy to boot. Though Sr. should lighten up, Mikey brought it on himself and until he realizes, he’ll always be on my crap list.


    • bmj2k June 19, 2011 at 10:47 pm #

      Mikey is seriously immature and needs a strong dose of reality. Someone needs to sit him down down and knock some sense into him, but Sr. did him no favors by letting him be the OCC clown and just laughing at any bit of nonsense he did. You see the same thing with Sr. and Jason.


      • ikert24kfan June 20, 2011 at 8:16 am #

        Mikey did to himself. Sr. put him in charge of the internet and he didn’t follow through. Then he made changes in his contract that were too extreme. Sr. was right when they argued. Mikey wanted more for less and that wouldn’t be fair to the other employees of OCC.


  34. Mike June 20, 2011 at 1:53 pm #

    This is all a big steaming load of hoopla hoopla hoopla…hoopla

    BLARGH! I can’t wait for the next show. And if some of the Sr. supporters paid attention, they would have noticed that Sr. talked big and ate alot of his own words in this Cadillac episode.


    • Michael W. October 18, 2011 at 2:37 am #

      He ate a lot of CROW, that is is what you call it. And from what I see he is on a steady diet of it.

      Michael. W.


  35. TexKano June 24, 2011 at 7:54 pm #

    Storm? Ain’t he the guy that Mikie and him searched OCC Corp one night (Season 6?) for boogie men? He’s their photographer guy. His driving of the caddy was great.


  36. Art June 29, 2011 at 1:41 pm #

    if I voted for a bike that I thought was the best, and it was just a bunch of bull crap, then Iam finished with the show. I will no longer watch put up bull shit by the prducer of the show. If I want to watch make beleve I’ll watch a movie.


  37. Lou August 27, 2011 at 5:12 pm #

    Some of you are about the dumbest people who walk the planet. Jr designed the logo. The pilot episode was Jr’s creation. Jr designed the early bikes. You really think he didn’t earn a share of the company? You guys are so clearly mindless hillbillies.


    • bmj2k August 27, 2011 at 5:18 pm #

      The bikes that earned OCC the reputation were all designed by Junior.


    • lockerman September 29, 2011 at 1:54 pm #

      Well said fella


  38. Jack August 30, 2011 at 1:12 am #

    Paul Jr. is the one crying and whinning. Dude is a looser and should kiss his fathers feet for everything his dad did for him. I kind of understand that many people take Junior’s side because they relate to their fathers, or maybe they never had fathers.
    I had similar situation with construction business. I split from my dad after some disagreements and then my father died and I could never reconnect with him because of my ego. Junior will cry like a bitch when his father passes away. As far as being a designer, Junior doesn’t know how to draw a circle in Adobe, much less a motorcycle. Just because I ordered a logo for my site and had the designer change few things I didn’t like, doesn’t make me a designer. I also blame Discovery for feeding into this frenzy. Paul Jr. should put his ego aside and stop blaming his father and start thinking on how to reconnect with senior. Besides Junior doesn’t even like motorcycles and only does what he does because it would we McDonalds job for him.


    • b.mclane August 30, 2011 at 11:31 am #

      How silly you are. If Jr. does not like building bikes than why has he done it for over a decade?? The Fire Bike, the Black Widow Bike, the standard line sold in shops, the OCC logo, the custom theme bikes…all designed by Jr.


    • steve September 5, 2011 at 9:20 pm #

      Is this Sr.? If you stopped to think what you just said you would realize how rediculous it sounds and is. 1st you attack Jr. which tells me how ignorant you are and have a bias. 2nd, you said Jr. should put his ego aside? What about Sr.? His ego is ok? Who’s the one constantly cutting down Jr. every eposide? Sr. makes fun of, tears down, and can’t stop talking about how Jr. can’t do anything. Is this what a father does who loves there kids? Sr. cares more about his freaken dog!!! His dog!
      He cries, and tells everyone like his son died but his son didn’t, his dog did. Is this how a father acts? None of Sr. kids have a relationship with him. That says something is wrong with the father. Sr. is the elder, and he’s the one that should do any and everything for his kids, he should know how to act but he doesn’t. You said you split from your dad. Sounds like you were the problem, nothing like what’s going on with Jr./Sr. and I’m sorry to hear your father is no longer here. Last, how do you know Jr. doesn’t like motorcycles? And why do you care or what does it matter if he does or doesn’t? McDonalds job? Now I know this must be Sr. How much of an idiot you are. No matter what your kids do, as a father you are supposed to be there for them, forgive them, teach them. It’s Sr. that blames everyone on a consistent basis and nothing is ever Sr. fault. When does Jr. do this? As far as kissing his dad’s feet? Your no diff. than Sr., expect everything handed and everything is everyone elses fault. So sir, look at the big picture instead
      of what you want to see.


  39. WASP October 18, 2011 at 8:31 pm #

    I liked both bikes to be honest but if I had to choose, I would have taken Paulie Jr’s bike. Still, I could see the OCC Cad bike would appeal to a smaller frame younger “silicon valley” type person. It was unique in many ways and could serve as a prototype possibly for that demographic. But I agree with the author of this post that Paulie’s bike is the one I would want to ride.


  40. Sammy337 December 5, 2011 at 11:07 pm #

    Sr #1 jr#2mr james3 I like to buy sr bike its hot


  41. JOHN WISER December 5, 2011 at 11:30 pm #



    • K1 December 14, 2011 at 3:25 pm #

      John , Jr. simply improved on a design , there is not one bike builder out there who hasn’t looked at another builders design in his lifetime , and once you look at and study other peoples workmanship it has to get stored in your subconcious , it is very hard to be absolutely original. You can say that Sr. stole his design from snowmobiles and hybrid cars , was Jesse the first one to build a bike that looks like the one that he built? The majority of bikes that Sr. has built , not rick and the and the crew’s bikes but Sr’s bikes before the crew got there look like jesse’s bike , Sr. can’t get away from that old school look , come on let’s be honest. Jr. is the better designer and builder simple and plain there is no way around it. Sr. said that PJD would never be able to build bikes like OCC because of the technology that OCC has but he was dead wrong. how do you take one of the best tank builders in the game out of the equation and let someone who does’nt build or ride run with the ball , stupid!!!!


  42. Gort February 1, 2012 at 7:47 am #

    Votes: OCC=9000+



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