Tag Archives: Chinese menu

Hello Happy To Read Consumer! Freshly Written Part Second!

26 Jun

June 26, 2013

This blog is for Mac, who sent in the first two pictures. He is a huge fan of bad translations, as am I. Check out my first bad translation blog here. You should also check out Mac, an awesome musician, great photographer, and all-around terrific guy right here at his Facebook page.

Here’s his first picture, from a package of food I urge you not to eat:


I love the fact that they are so upfront about the spit. I am sure that a great many people base their dining options on the spit count.

Up next, Mac has sent in a travel advisory.


I don’t know what that is but it looks like a train station to me. Of course, for all I know that could be a sushi bar or an anime factory. Either way, I am glad that the sign was there to clear things up.

This next sign comes to us from this very blog! (Yes! Someone reads this!)

inconvenient tanks

They know something that I don’t. “Important reason?” “Tanks”? Something bad is brewing, but it is a comfort to know that the owners will be close in case we need them.

And is there anything more inconvenient than a tank?

And lastly, one more that I took myself but, unlike the one above, it has never been published here before. Behold! The debut of the Chinese menu fail!


That just sounds wrong. So very, very wrong.