Tag Archives: Overture

The Saturday Comics: The Sandman: Overture

16 Nov

November 16, 2013


Almost exactly 2 years ago, when DC started The New 52, I dropped comics. The final issue of Flashpoint was my last comic book from either company. Since then I bought only 2 trades, both of which reprinted stories from the 70’s and 80’s.


The Batman arc on the left made my Top Ten Comics list, and the JLA/JSA/All-Star Squadron crossover narrowly missed the list.

Since then I have not missed comics. Oh, I haven’t completely given up. Last week I read the first two collections of Superior Spider-Man and I think it was great. I also read Batman: Court of Owls not long ago. So I did not totally give up comics but I need to point out that I did not buy any of those books. I read someone else’s copies.

However, I broke my oath this week. I went out and deliberately bought a new, single issue of a current comic. It was the first money I have spent, and the first weekly comic I have read, in 2 years.

The Sandman Overture by Neil Gaiman, returning to the character he made famous and the medium it was meant to be read in.


What can I say? Neil Gaiman is a genius, and J.H, Williams is his perfect complement. I have been waiting for this comic since it was announced last year and I was not disappointed. This is only a mini-series, 6 issues, so it would be a small thing to collect the series and then go back to not dropping comics. However, I am going to wait for this in trade paperback (or better, hardcover.) I have the whole Sandman collection in trades and this belongs right next to it on the bookshelf.

And then no more comics.