TV Then vs. TV Now

31 Jan

January 31, 2011

I don’t care what anyone says- TV used to be better. To prove it, all I have to do is say is say two little words- Jersey Shore. There ‘Nuff said. Want more proof? Real Housewives.

Oh, I know what you’re thinking- “But Mr. Blog! TV had crap like My Mother the Car, Manimal, and Supertrain! Not to mention Roseanne Barr.”

That’s all true, but none of them had the ratings of a crapfest like America’s Top Model, despite there being many, many less channels to choose from. Back them you had the stations between 2 and 13 plus some hazy UHF channels. Now your cable box goes into the thousands.

I have no excuse for Roseanne Barr.

I do, however, have proof that television used to be better.
Facts in the form of old TV Guide ads.

Aside from one of the milestones of classic TV- Who Shot J.R.?, this ad features one of the classic over the top shows, The Dukes of Hazzard. Why did I pick this particular ad? Because the Duke boys are using bows and arrows! In a show already totally silly, the Duke boys were not only expert drivers but also expert marksmen- with dynamite tied to their arrows! Does TV get any better than exploding arrows?

But not everyone liked the drama of Dallas or the shenanigans of the Dukes. for them there was family fare.

By “the whole bunch” they meant “everyone but Jan,” who was recast, and “no Alice either.”

And who better to kick off their show but such cheesy TV stalwarts Donnie and Marie? Everyone’s favorite fussy non-homosexual (though everyone thought he was) Tony Randall was along for the fun! Does it get any better?

It just got better.

So far we’ve had variety, action, drama, and jiggly women in tight t-shirts. What about the kids? Think of the children!

OK, I will.

Look at that lineup! Spider-Man! The Fantastic Four! The Beatles! King Kong! Casper! Bullwinkle!
And, uh, something called Milton the Monster.

Kids shows weren’t limited to Saturday mornings either. Remember these specials?

I ask you, where can you find Pac-Man on TV today?

Lest you forget, here is the most infamous TV special of all:

What a cast! All of your Star Wars favorites: Harrison ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, James Earl Jones, the guy who played Chewbacca, Bea Arthur, Harvey Korman, Art Carney, and Jefferson Starship. Because no one screams “Star Wars” like Bea Arthur and Jefferson Starship.

What else did TV air at night? TV movies!

Sally Struthers in Hey, I’m Alive! The jokes just write themselves, and it is a good thing because I can’t come up with one myself. But seriously, think about her career and make up your own.

And of course, the previously bloggged Wonder Woman!

There was Killdozer (great title!)

And there was Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan. This is an example of a simply great ad in a style that you never see nowadays.

And speaking of great ads, check this one out.

Now that is one great ad. Tales of the Gold Monkey was an action/adventure show in the Indiana Jones mold. Seriously, look at that ad. Who wouldn’t watch that show? Turns out a lot of people wouldn’t watch that show. It was cancelled after one season. In the pilot, they went after the fabled Gold Monkey idol and it turned out to be made of lead, which I guess is a parallel to the show’s ratings. However, I was a fan and trust me, it was a good show.

And speaking of shows that feature monkeys:

And speaking of shows that feature other apes:

I may be one of the few people who remember this show. Spun off from Hill Street Blues, it featured Buntz and one of his snitches moving to Beverley Hills, which also happens to be Standard Sitcom Plot number 14 (Fish out of water: low-class guy in ritzy neighborhood.) And notice the sneaky way they stuck in an ad for Cheers.

I have to admit that I never heard of this show, but I was hooked by the description- “St. Louis struck out in the World Series.. now it’s struck by KING TUT’S CURSE!” That is the exact kind of silly plot that my friend Marc and I came up with all the time when we were teenagers. That could be OUR lousy cancelled TV show!

On the other hand, here we have the opposite- a good TV show with a lousy ad.

Were there no photos available? Who came up with this? Gary Coleman looks like he is lost in some sort of romantic reverie. And read that description- “… all of his friends and some of his enemies…” What enemies? All I remember was the Gootch, played by Andrew Dice Clay, looking about ten years too old to be a teenager.

Lastly, TV used to be the home of cheesy movies and horror hosts. Anyone who grew up in New York remembers this Thanksgiving tradition:

Who didn’t stay up late at night to watch some of these?

The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy is a poorly dubbed Mexican film from the 50’s and it is pretty much what you’d expect from the title, just a lot less fun. It shows up on cable from time to time and you really should check it out.

On the face of it this seems like a funny mistake- Movies of the ’50’s featuring Frankenstein 1970. but once you realize that Frankenstein 1970 was made in 1958 it makes sense.

Who would not have stayed home to watch that? Before you say “not me” remember, this was before TiVo and DVRs, before cable, before even VCRs were common. You bet your ass you’d stay home.

So there you have it. Indisputable proof that the television of yesterday was better than the television of today. Want more proof? Turn on BRAVO.

15 Responses to “TV Then vs. TV Now”

  1. The Hook January 31, 2011 at 11:21 am #

    Great post! Thanks for everything.


  2. JRD Skinner January 31, 2011 at 1:35 pm #

    Great post.

    I wonder if I could staple together a day of classic programming out of things available on youtube.


  3. Supermonge January 31, 2011 at 6:47 pm #

    Sometimes when something bad happens I just hope I wake up and Patrick Duffy is taking a shower and everything was a dream…
    I was just thinking about that Gold Monkey Show the other day…I remember the Main Character was a pilot…I liked that show, too haha…the art in that ad is amazing too…looks like they actually got Struzan to draw it…


    • bmj2k January 31, 2011 at 7:28 pm #

      It just came out on DVD but I haven’t ordered it yet.
      I enlarged the pic but I didn’t see any sig. It is a nice layout because that was a two page spread and the only thin lost in the crease would be part of his arm, no big deal.
      I’m not sure how I’d feel if I found Patrick Duffy in my shower.


  4. Jim February 1, 2011 at 2:28 pm #

    I picked up the Tales Of The Gold Monkey set a couple of weeks ago. Worth every penny! What a fun series. It always sat right next to Indiana Jones in my mind, but after watching the first eight episodes or so it’s almost more reminiscent of Magnum PI than Jones. Aside from the 2hr. pilot, which is really all you hear of the gold monkey, there’s little treasure hunting amid the swashbuckling adventure.

    I’m surprised that show didn’t last longer. Far better than the Duke boys.

    I would love to go back to the 1980’s and air one episode of Jersey Shore. The reactions would be awesome. Like, totally awesome!


    • bmj2k February 1, 2011 at 3:24 pm #

      Magnum PI is one of my favorite shows. For me, it is one of the top detective shows, just below Columbo and just above Kojak.
      Back in time to show Jersey Shore in the 80’s? That is a great arguement for time travel.


  5. Jim February 1, 2011 at 2:32 pm #

    Forgot to mention that Patrick Duffy, as The Man From Atlantis, would be totally at home in your shower. However uncomfortable it might make you.


    • bmj2k February 1, 2011 at 3:23 pm #

      That’s a show I wouldn’t mind seeing again, along with the live-action Spider-Man with Nicholas Hammond.


      • JRD Skinner February 2, 2011 at 12:08 pm #

        I’ve seen it recently – still a hilarious way to blow a Sunday afternoon.


  6. Thomas Stazyk February 1, 2011 at 5:18 pm #

    Great stuff. Killdozer is a hilarious movie. A bulldozer at a construction site runs over a meteor or something and gets possessed and starts chasing people around. I think they finally short circuit it somehow. The most frequently used line is “Let’s get the hell out of here!”

    Now here is something to ruin your day:


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