Are You Sure That’s Captain America?

3 Sep

August 3, 2017

I was shopping for some clothes for my niece and nephew yesterday. (No, I was not just lurking in the children’s section. I really do have toddlers in my family.) There was a rack of t-shirts and I found this off-model Captain America image.

The sticker says it’s collectible! Buy five of them!

Orange, white and blue? Orange? I’ve been mistaken all these years. That “A” on his forehead isn’t for America, it’s for Auburn University!

There. Fixed it for you.

P.S.: I bought the shirt anyway.



5 Responses to “Are You Sure That’s Captain America?”

  1. Mac of BIOnighT September 3, 2017 at 6:57 pm #

    Something printed so badly is sooo old times that I would have bought at least two 🙂 (no, really!)


    • bmj2k September 3, 2017 at 7:21 pm #

      In the end, orange or not, I like the shirt. So long story short, my little nephew will be wearing it totally oblivious to the odd color choice. (My little niece got a Snoopy shirt. I can’t buy for one and not the other.)


      • Mac of BIOnighT September 4, 2017 at 10:29 pm #

        I know the mechanism… I had three nephews and one niece, I always had to carefully keep a balance whatever I did for them :-/


        • bmj2k September 5, 2017 at 11:41 pm #

          My brother and I, although two years apart in age, drove Dad crazy since he had to buy two of everything. But at this age, the niece and nephew are too young to notice who gets what. (But they soon will!) It would break my heart right now to leave one out. I’m such a softie when it comes to them.


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