Sneak Peek of the Week of June 10th, 2012

10 Jun

June 10, 2012

Tesla coil!

Nothing to do with the upcoming week but I like the picture.

In addition to the 50th Imponderable and the regular Saturday comics (which checks in on another old strip I’ve previously covered for an update)  we’ll get the third and (you should hope) final part of S is for Subaru, and Allan Keyes joins us on MOnday for the first installment of a new weekly feature. All this, deliberate misspelling on Monday, and more, this week on Mr. Blog’s Tepid Ride. 

7 Responses to “Sneak Peek of the Week of June 10th, 2012”

  1. zathra June 10, 2012 at 4:00 am #

    I like how the guy in the picture is calmly sitting & reading while a miniature lightning storm is apparently raging around him. Tesla has been sort of an interest of mine. & every house should have a Tesla coil.


    • bmj2k June 10, 2012 at 12:55 pm #

      Makes a great alarm system.


      • zathra June 10, 2012 at 6:26 pm #

        A great bug – zapper / microwave substitute !


  2. Rachel Heu June 10, 2012 at 2:01 pm #

    I like the picture too. I think maybe the photo will have something to do with the week… it might be electric and awesome 🙂


    • bmj2k June 10, 2012 at 2:15 pm #

      It didn’t begin that way, but I have been looking at some old Tesla pictures and I might have an idea.


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