The Saturday Comics: Hitler (Seriously, Hitler)

15 Oct

October 15, 2011

While Hitler never had his own comic strip or series (at least not in this country, and if there is a German Hitler comic I DO NOT want to know) he was on several comic book covers during World War Two.

Hitler and the Nazis (not to be confused with Benny and the Jets) remain the only real go-to bad guys in pulp fiction, including comic books and B-movies. Even Osama Bin Laden didn’t rise to their level.

In the 1940’s it was easy to put Hitler on a comic book cover, preferably getting punched out by the titular hero, and be sure of sales. And it didn’t matter if he never appeared in the comic. It was common for comic covers to not reflect the contents, but a Hitler cover was an attention-getter.

Even an episode of Doctor Who this very season got in on the act in the episode named “Let’s Kill Hitler.” Spoiler- they didn’t.


The most patriotically named of all heroes, Captain America, may have the most covers featuring Hitler, but everyone from Superman to Captain Marvel got in on the Nazi bashing. 

Enjoy the slideshow below of ten comic covers of the Good Guys bashing Hitler.

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5 Responses to “The Saturday Comics: Hitler (Seriously, Hitler)”

  1. Mac of BIOnighT October 15, 2011 at 12:13 am #

    “I’d like to land a strictly non-aryan sock on your jaw” – now, ain’t that a great line? 😀


  2. Daniel October 15, 2011 at 12:17 am #

    I’m reminded of the scene from ” The Last Crusade ” where Indiana & Ilsa are in Berlin after recovering Henry Jone’s Sr.’s Grail diary. Henry, Jr., er, Indiana walks right into Hitler with the diary, & he autographs it.

    Loved that movie. I forgot the actor’s name who played Hitler. That took major cajones.


    • bmj2k October 15, 2011 at 12:24 am #

      And more recently


      • Daniel October 15, 2011 at 12:46 am #

        Comcast ( At least the Metro – Nashville branch of it ) doesn’t carry BBC America, & SyFy ( Hate the new name !! ) had some kind of contract snafu where they’re not carrying ” Doctor Who ” or ” Torchwood “. Shame really. So I didn’t get any of the Matt Smith episodes.

        They had Dave Lister encounter Hitler in a classic ” Red Dwarf ” episode ( ” Timeslides ” ). He winds up telling a crowd at a rally that Hitler is ” a total nutter. AND he’s only got one testicle ! “


      • bmj2k October 17, 2011 at 12:11 am #

        Totally forgot that was in the actual post. Sorry guys.


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